Please send your stories (one paragraph each) and pictures to us at and we'll add them to this collection.


When we were little, Jamie would do pretty much anything I asked as long as it was potentially "fun". My genius idea was to invent an obstacle course starting with a spinning office chair challenge and ending with a leap of faith off the top of our staircase holding on to a makeshift rope made of blankets. I’d spin him as fast as I could on the chair, and he would leap holding on to the blanket. The blanket rope would come untied every time and he would tumble down the stairs. I will miss his laughter, playfulness, and down-to-do-anything spirit.

Sarah McGahran

A total boss
A Total Boss

In need of a broken heart adventure, I enlisted Jamie for a road trip where I witnessed Jamie’s love for adventure and for "the finer things." For our first night in Utah, Jamie drove me to the middle of the desert. As I set up camp, Jamie pulled out what looked like $100 worth of Trader Joe’s fresh food and his camp stove and proceeded to make a three-course desert camping dinner under the most amazing starry sky I’ve ever seen. The next night, we found ourselves in an insane thunderstorm. Jamie and I were in our tent, awake and getting wet when he was like, “Nope, I’m sleeping in the car. You coming?” I declined and ended up sleeping for an hour max. Several hours after sunrise, I found Jamie in his car eating leftovers for breakfast with his little eye cover over his head, just being a total boss.

Sarah McGahran

Making it up as you go along
Making it up as you go along

There's a lot of down time during a Kilimanjaro trek. Jamie helped us fill the time playing Durak, a card game for which only he knew the rules...and the rules kept changing, making for a crazy time.

Matt McGahran

The best of Colorado
Always the Guide

Jamie loved showing us around Colorado. One of his favorite spots was Crested Butte, where he had visited a few times with the college crew. We planned a one week summer vacation, rented a cozy cabin with a hot tub, and Jamie was our tour guide for the week. He showed us around the town, took us to fun restaurants, and did some biking with Matt. My request was for a Colorado wild flower hike and Jamie delivered. This is a photo from that amazing hike. We even got a Colorado rain storm for the end of the hike.

Amy McGahran

Mother's Day Card
I promise to call...on laundry day

Mother's Day Card 2013 — just before going off to college.

Amy McGahran

Black Mountain grit
Black Mountain Grit

What was supposed to be a quick up-and-down bike ride turned out to be a 3-hour adventure. Walking our bikes over ridges and large sections of rocks, we were laughing how difficult it was to just hike. After finally getting up to the top of the mountain we began our amazing decent. Jamie quickly disappeared down the mountain, flying around corners and going full speed off drops. As we passed a group of bikers, they moved over and started cheering Jamie on, as he literally jumped over multiple sections at once. Jamie let out a yell of excitement as he once again disappeared down the mountain. A few miles from the trail’s end Jamie's chain fell off. The rest of the trail was downhill and very steep, so we went as fast as we could to keep momentum so we could make it to the end. Whipping around turns and jumping straight off downhill sections, we finally made it through a long day of exploring, and without a chain. At the end, I finally got to see the infectious smile his friends always spoke about on a face covered in mud and sweat. "I cannot wait to live here," he said.

Steven Holshouer

Lance who?
Lance who?

When Jamie was working as a rafting guide in Aspen, his company was asked to lead a charity bike ride. Knowing Jamie was a good cyclist, they asked him to lead the ride up to the Maroon Bells. At a rest stop one of the participants came up to Jamie and introduced himself. “Hi, I’m Lance”. I only found out much later that Jamie was not impressed that he led Lance Armstrong on a bike ride.

Les Turk (Papa)

What's the big deal?
What's the big deal?

I was gifted with the opportunity to have Jamie work for me for a short while, managing a Denver warehouse. Jamie was horrified when I picked him up in a Volkswagen Bug rental car during one work trip, so I rented a Mustang on the next trip. He tried to appear cooly disinterested but his face lit up when he got in the driver's seat to get us to our next appointment.

Matt McGahran


We made a RV trip out west to visit Jamie. We camped together at Rocky Mountain NP, Rhoda and me in our 2 person RV and Jamie in his tent. Of course, he had to go on a bike ride with me so he borrowed Rhoda’s road bike. Jamie was a mountain biker and kidded me about riding a “sissy road bike.” So, starting at 6,500 ft elevation, off we went, climbing. Jamie would occasionally slow and wait for the old man but when we turned for the descent, I saw him for about the first 30 seconds. He shot down the mountain like a pro cyclist. Then he just waited for me at the bottom. The next day he planned another ride for us, this one starting at 9,000 ft. The old man opted out. We did that route by car.

Les Turk (Papa)

Big Adventures
Big Adventures

I worked off and on here at Big Adventures with Jamie. My wife Kim also works here and spent time working and talking with Jamie as well. Jamie and I talked about kayaking a lot and we planned to meet up for some weekend paddling trips this spring once it warmed up a little. I was eager to show him our local rivers and hang out with him. Kim absolutely loved their work time together and would say what a chatter box he was with her. She secretly wanted to set him up on a date with our Everyone here at Big Adventures loved him, he was a good fit with our culture. He was quick to laugh, fun to hang out with and was an excellent worker.. We miss him.

Woody Callaway

Don't Forget Your Big Toe
Dont' Forget Your Big Toe

I remember [Matt] telling me about Jamie teaching skiing and how he told his skiers to pay attention to pressuring their big toe. So now EVERY time I ski, I think about him and that piece of advice.

Mike Pregler


We were on a business trip together in Denver and we all went to one of John Prine’s last concerts at Red Rocks Amphitheater. It’s a beautiful location amongst the rocks overlooking Denver and that evening was particularly beautiful with a full moon that rose during the concert and a perfectly clear night with bright stars above us. I had never been to a live John Prine concert and it was really an incredible evening as John played with the Colorado Symphony Orchestra. It was particularly special to share that moment with Jamie sitting next to me and Matt next to Jamie. The evening was magical and the words to John’s songs still swirling in my mind. And I will always remember climbing the many many stairs to our seats with Matt and Jamie in front of me and envisioning them climbing Kilimanjaro together. Those stairs were easy for the two of them but felt like Kilimanjaro to me!

Pat Campbell

Every day is an adventure
Every day is an adventure

I remember our neighbor, Jamie as a sweet little boy who sometimes played with my daughter, Britta. Time sped by and all of the sudden Jamie was all grown up and in college, a handsome and confident young man. Jamie and I went to the same college, University of Colorado. He and I had a brief conversation when he was home for holiday. I remember the sparkle in his eyes as we enthusiastically shared stories of life in Boulder and its awesome beauty, beckoning mountains, breathtaking ski slopes and so much more. We agreed, every day in Colorado was an adventure. I will always have that memory.

Lisa Turner

Spreading love
Spreading love

I met Jamie while I was a dental hygienist when Jamie came to the office to get his pearly whites cleaned. Everyone knows the feelings of anxiety and dread a dental visit can produce. What you might not realize sitting so close, the quite space, the energy of another can be picked up. What I sensed from Jamie was a kind, knowledgeable and easy to talk to young man. Since that time we had the pleasure of being with Jamie and his good friend Aiden on a shared ride to Musikfest in Bethlehem. It was great fun having conversations that made us laugh, it was easy and loose. Maya Angelou's quote rings true "I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel." Jamie you made me feel good.

Doreen Campbell

Guys, we found water
Guys, we found water!

Jamie is a good friend from college and we became good friends on an amazing trip in Arches National Park. Jamie was responsible for the majority of the planning and loved every second of getting us all together out in the backcountry. On the way into the park we stopped at the ranger station and asked about watering holes. The ranger said it’s been abnormally dry, but if you want any shot at making it through your trip you will want to look in this one area. We headed to that spot that was recommended, and nothing was there. We had to make the decision to turn back or rely on the rations we had taken. Jamie was adamant about pushing forward. We collectively decided to go on for one more hour and if we found nothing we’d turn back to the cars. About 15 minutes later Jamie found a small puddle in the canyon, and I had never seen someone happier. He said in his classic nonchalant voice, “guys...we found water!” That’s a memory that will live on forever - seeing his smile on his face that we could continue on our trip. I’m glad we listened because it was an unforgettable trip that will live with me forever.

Brian Adams

A dog's life

Jamie and Zeke were in my quarantine bubble at the beginning of the pandemic. They were over at our house all the time and were always up for an adventure. Jamie was a true mountain man, very knowledgable with tons of experience, yet always humble and respectful of nature. The thing that always stuck out to me about Jamie was the love he gave to Zeke and the bond they shared. One time we were babysitting Zeke while Jamie was out of the town for a weekend. Zeke insisted on sleeping under the covers with his head on the pillow (hogging most of the bed - might I add). When I asked Jamie about it, he just said "Yeah that's how he wants to sleep, and its pretty cute, so I let him." I know Jamie took Zeke on many adventures, and even carried him on his back out of the backcountry when Zeke hurt his paws. I remember him being worried about Zeke being scared to go to the vet, so he brought him his own travel peanut butter. Jamie, who always seemed like a pretty straight-shooting, no nonsense type of person, was a total marshmallow for that dog, and it was adorable. Jamie's love for Zeke was just one indicator of his kind and compassionate heart and respect of the natural world. I know Jamie's spirit lives on through Zeke and in the hearts of his friends and family. He will be sorely missed but never forgotten.

Britt Hurley


We were on our way to Crested Butte for a weekend filled with skiing and friends. We are about to enter the South Park Valley and when we arrive the road is closed due to high winds (over 100 mph). We were two hours into what normally is about a four hour drive. We waited on the road for about 20 minutes to see if the road would open. Charlie and I were ready to cut our losses then head back home to Boulder. Jamie looks at us and says, "Nope. We are going skiing." He finds an alternative route to get out to Crested Butte. The drive took about 10 hours instead of the normal four hours. This really shows the determination Jamie had for any adventure we were supposed to go on.

Declan Cronin

Snow day
Snow day

Jamie was my youngest friend. I am 78. He came into my life to help with my landscaping as a young CU student. Very quickly we became friends. I will always remember his enthusiasm and smiling face.

Pat Finnoff

The Doer

I like to think of myself as a doer, especially during my formative years at CU Boulder. Maybe more then than now. I did mountain biking. I did school. I did work. I did concerts. I did the creek. I did climbing. I did a bunch of stuff. There's only one guy who I can think of who I did nearly all of it with: Jamie McGahran.

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Charlie Cone

Wonderfully Weird

Jamie was the first person I met in Colorado. I remember walking past his dorm room, seeing a massive yellow downhill mountain bike taking up about a third of the room he shared with his roommate. As you can guess, my first impression of Jamie was, "Wow this kid must be pretty rad to have a bike like that." I didn't know how true that was until I got to know Jamie more. We quickly became friends. We shared many of the same hobbies: mountain biking, skiing, hiking, and just experiencing what the great outdoors of CO has to offer. Jamie was one of those friends that always had an adventure up his sleeve, ready for anyone who wanted to join. Yet, one thing you had to know is that a Jamie adventure could get spicy or hairy, but that he always had a plan for what ever came his way.

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Mac Wood

Notorious Whimsy

Jamie and I weren't close friends for the first couple years I knew him. We were in the same group, would go on the same trips, go out on hikes and to parties, but at that point we were "friends" on the periphery within the group. I think we both realized how we didn't know each other well, so we drove up to Nederland and started a short 4mi hike together.

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Sophie Brande

Jamie in Israel
Stoked for Salsa

I had the great fortune of meeting Jamie on our Birthright trip to Israel in 2017. He was one of the first people I talked to and befriended on the first night, next to the Sea of Galilee. I remember remarking at how content he was to set up his hammock outside under a tree and hang out there by himself. But as much as he liked his alone time, he was equally gregarious and conversational, and we talked about climbing and music and travel.

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Elizabeth Gilbert

All donations will be made to the James McGahran Memorial Foundation, a non-profit corporation dedicated to administering the James McGahran Memorial Scholarship. The foundation is recognized as a tax-exempt not-for-profit by the Internal Revenue Service. Donations made after February 20, 2021 may be tax-deductible. The foundation's legal and financial statements can be viewed here.